Их разыскивает FBI/Jason Derek Brown

Очень интересно зайти порой на сайт ФБР и посмотреть десятку самых-самых героев. Например, вот такой прекрасный и милый тип, за информацию готовы заплатить $200000 (он там на втором месте по баблу, за одного чувака дают миллион, за других по сто тысяч). Что же он натворил?


Пишут вот так: «Jason Derek Brown is wanted for murder and armed robbery in Phoenix, Arizona. During November of 2004, Brown allegedly shot and killed an armored car guard outside a movie theater and then fled with the money.

Brown speaks fluent French and has a Masters Degree in International Business. He is an avid golfer, snowboarder, skier, and dirt biker. Brown enjoys being the center of attention and has been known to frequent nightclubs where he enjoys showing off his high-priced vehicles, boats, and other toys. Brown was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and completed his Mormon mission near Paris, France.

Brown has ties to California, Arizona, and Utah. In the past, he has traveled to France and Mexico. Additionally, he may be in the possession of a Glock 9mm and a .45 caliber handgun».

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